For all skin types 100ml
The Grapeseed Oil is a base oil, suitable to be mixed with other oils and essential oils and used in aromatherapy and cosmetology.
The Grapeseed Oil is produced by the crushed seeds of the grape with the method of cold - pressing.
The Grapeseed Oil is rich in bioflavonoids, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6 & E) and mineral elements. It is a polyunsaturated oil which contains beneficial compounds, such as the linolenic acid (Ω6), which refreshes the cells and the skin tissues, enhancing the collagen production, while it offers deep skin hydration, firmness and elasticity. It improves the blood circulation and it helps in the combat of cellulite.
Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it delays the skin aging, minimizing the damage caused by the free roots and offers silky smoothness. It is an unsaturated oil, valuable for our health and wellness. It is suitable for oily and mixed type of skin, as well as for types of skin that suffer from acne.
- Massage: Use the oil directly onto your face and body. After your shower, apply the oil, instead of a lotion.
Due to its light touch and its great absorption ability, it can be easily absorbed, preserving the skin hydrated.
For better effectiveness, add to the Grapessed Oil 1-3% essential oils. - Face: Apply some drops and softly massage on a clean face. It is recommended in the case that you face acne problems or wrinkles or black circles have appeared on your face.
- Hair: Apply the oil. massaging the roots of your hair. Leave the oil for at least 20'-30΄ before the hair washing. It is used for the hair growth as it combats against hair loss, giving them a shiny and smooth feel.